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Welcome to Simplify!


I am beginning on a new adventure with God, and I hope you will join me.  Let me share how this came to be. Quite often when I am alone and driving the car, God will give me things to think about.  He has me in the car alone with no distractions (because I don’t always turn the radio or CD player on), and He can “talk” to me.  A few weeks ago was no exception. I was driving home after a meeting when God placed the word "Simplify" in my spirit. Well let’s just say that produced nothing but questions in my mind.  Simplify what, God? My life, my study, my eating habits, my daily schedule???  What???








He said to put all distractions aside - Simplify - and focus on Him only.  Stop trying to be so busy each day. Stop trying to take care of the other tasks first and leave Him until last or until I could "fit" Him in.  He wanted all of me. You see, in September 2017, I stepped into a hole and broke 2 bones in my right leg near the ankle. I had to keep my leg elevated above my heart for 7 weeks.  God really had me to himself then! And He taught me quite a bit which I will probably share in future blog entries sometime. But He taught me the importance of seeking Him first and foremost each day and staying connected throughout the day.  Sometimes it is hard to stay that focused now, these 9 months later, as my activity level is back to what it used to be. I still know the importance of seeking Him throughout the day, and I know He has more to show me and wants to be sure that I don’t stray!  Thus the word Simplify and the beginning of this blog.










Then the word "blog" came into my spirit a few minutes later.  I have never written a blog nor do I claim extraordinary writing skills; however I do intend to write my thoughts just as they are and just how God gives them to me, and that is how it will be presented to you.


The final thought from God was that this word Simplify is not just for me or for this blog, but it is for all believers around the world.  God says to Simplify our corporate worship and all of our time with Him by going beyond the “programs” or bulletins (which have us following an order of service) and focus only on Him.  Let God direct our worship; let God direct our day. He said to Simplify our religious organizations including denominations and those organizations which support the denominations.  Man has created rules, regulations, and layers upon layers of ordinances which direct our corporate worship and, in some cases, our time with Him and have taken away the spontaneity of following God’s spirit.  God is saying “Simplify”!


The last piece of this was to name the blog site.  Well, "Simplify" was the most obvious name, but it had been taken.  So I began adding numbers such as Simplify1, Simplify2, etc.  All were taken until I reached Simplify10.  Then God told me to look up the meaning of this number in his language.  From, I found that "ten is the number of perfection or completion of God’s “divine order.” It is the only one of the perfect biblical numbers in which humans have a part. We are definitely part of the ten since it is the number of completion based on God’s order AND human responsibility."  At, I found that ten is a "symbol of matter in harmony. This number represents creator and the creation."  Thus blog is directed from God and is about God.  It is through his divine order that this will continue because he is the creator of ALL things.  When he says that the season for this blog is over, then it will be over.  But for now, let's roll!


So this is how the blog was started.  I am attempting to Simplify my worship, my study, and my prayer time in order to hear what God has to say.  Please join me in this venture which He has called us to, and let’s explore the God who is “preeminent, present, personal, and protective”.




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