Today, January 2, 2025, I am eating the last BLT of the season. The tomato is from my 2024 garden! The day before the first frost was predicted in October, I pulled all of the green tomatoes from the plants. They have steadily ripened in the basement, and today, which is the beginning of the new gardening season, I am eating the last tomatoes of the last season. Did you get that?

Many have asked me how I have still had tomatoes into November and December. The answer begins with my mother, Mildred Jolly. She was prepared every year to raise her Gerber Daisy flowers in that same place.
Once we had prepared the small garden area beside the sunroom (screened porch back then!), Mom and I added Miracle Grow soil to the existing soil. That was the key along with watering. When it became difficult for Mom to do this task, she asked me to take over. I have continued to do it annually. After all, why change a good thing?

Sometimes I think about this act of preparation for producing such beauty, which Mom and I shared and will continue to share with others. It took time, but if that preparation had not taken place, there would have been no “fruit” produced for the enjoyment by us and others. Without such preparation, we may not be able to produce the fruit from the talents God has given us.

Prepare the soil; lay the foundation; add the flowers or veggies to grow in that rich soil; be thrilled with the visible signs of new growth; share with others to provide joy!
This concept applies throughout our lives. Whatever we want out of life begins with preparation. Whatever we want will not just appear. Whether it is another job; a new sport; a challenge you have accepted; teaching at church; or even starting a new workout program, this all takes preparation at the beginning. Do your research; check out what materials you will need; put in the time to learn what you need to know before you take action.
Doesn’t this also apply to our faith? We need our foundation in Jesus Christ; the preparation for learning about Him - the desire to learn how to build a strong faith; the time put in to learn; surrounding ourselves with faith-filled friends - then taking the action to share with others about our Savior.
Jesus has prepared the way for us. Now let us use the proper preparation required to follow Him.
Diligence in planning leads to success.

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