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Writer's pictureRachel West

100% Jesus!

Updated: Feb 10, 2021

I recently signed up for an online Bible study ( entitled “Get Out of Your Head”. Obviously focusing on what we think about all the time. The 2nd week’s study, written by Jennie Allen, shared the following:

"We have to figure out what it is that we love more than God. What is the thing we’re chasing? ~ Jennie Allen"

Then she went on to say this:

"What would happen if Jesus replaced the main goal in your life?"

In my brain, I felt stunned and had to let that sink in! Don’t I already have Jesus as the main goal in my life; to work toward becoming more like Him?

“What would happen if Jesus replaced the main goal in your life?”

Well, first of all, my main goal in life is to help my family and others. A noble goal in life and some may argue that it is a “given”. Not for me. It is internal (a spiritual desire) and intentional. However this is talking about having Jesus in my thoughts, my actions, my words 100% of the time. Isn’t that what "Jesus" is trying to convey in “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young?

But Jesus is not always in my thoughts, actions, or words 100% of the time. I love thinking of ways to help others, but I also enjoy focusing on myself and what I think I need. This coronavirus has brought my laziness to newer heights, especially when it comes to cleaning the house! (Yes, I can still find things to do to avoid that housework even in quarantine!). I have spent more money than usual on new outfits because of my younger son’s wedding activities. I have spent more money at the grocery store trying new recipes. I have continued my long-standing relationship with Amazon purchasing books and household items that we needed. I have focused on these things and not necessarily on Jesus! OR have made plans without involving Jesus. Can anyone relate?

But the crux of the matter is this:

“Probably, the thing you fixate on, is also the thing you worship. ~ Jennie”

“No matter what we lose in this life - opportunities, relationships, pleasures, jobs, money, prestige, reputations, friendships, possessions - none of it compares to Him. The rest will work out however it works out. For good or for bad.”

2 Corinthians 10:5 “casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (NKJV)

“What would happen if Jesus replaced the main goal in your life?”

This is the crux of why I have stepped back from FaceBook for at least a month. Yes, I miss seeing the pictures posted and keeping up with what friends are doing and wishing everyone a Happy Birthday! But I don't want that to be my focus every time I sit down to relax.

I must work towards that 100% of Jesus. Why? Because He is the One to think about. All the time. The rest will work out. Go hard for God. Go hard after Jesus!

Thanks for stopping by,


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